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Routing Mesh is not magic, it just uses ha-proxy inside to route the traffic to the related container.

What is the use-case of Routing Mesh? 

You have plenty of services/apps working on HTTP/HTTPS and you do not want to deal with ports. Routing Mesh simply, manages the "Virtual Hosting" 

1. In case you have Docker Datacenter UCP: 

Step1: Enable Routing Mesh

UCP –> Admin Settings –> Routing Mesh –> Enable HTTP Routing Mesh –> Update (I used port 8090 just for test, normally it should be 80)


Step2: Create a service

UCP –> Resources –> Services –> Create a Service 

Service Name: meshtest

Image Name: nginx:latest

Next –> Rosources –> Networks

Choose the network "ucp-hrm"

Next –> Environment

Create a Service Label "com.docker.ucp.mesh.http.80" with label "external_route=http://meshtest,internal_port=80"


2. In case you just have Docker 1.12+:

Add the following to you docker-compose YAML under the necessary service:

#    labels:
#      com.docker.ucp.mesh.http.80=external_route=http://meshtest,internal_port=80




Save Settings and it works!
